Usher Ministry
Ushers are sometimes called the frontline service as we set the tone by offering the first welcome to worshippers. We make the first impression of the church. We ushers extend our unconditional love to worshippers similar to the unconditional love we received from God.
We yearn to be a great welcome to the house of God. In us, hospitality of God is seen.
Duties of an usher include:
Being properly attired
Being punctual to greet the church with a huge smile!
Making every attempt to help worshippers feel welcome and at ease
Readily being avaiable to answer questions of anyone in assistance
Identifying first-time guests, and directly them to iWelcome Hosts
Collating of prayer requests
Keenly aware of available seats and ushering visitors to their seats (and loved ones)
Assisting people with disability to enter and leave the church
Collect offerings
Directing worshippers during communion
Maintain order and safety during services
In short, ushers make worshippers feel welcomed in the Lord's house.
Duty Frequency:
Once to twice a month on a Sunday worship service
Sundays, 10am
1st Floor, Sanctuary